Fee Structure

The school fees are subjected to revise to cover the increasing cost of teacher’s salary , maintenance and other expenses if necessary.

The tuition fees will be charged for all twelve months of the year. No cheque/drafts will be accepted at the fee counter.

Parents/ Guardians should see that the school fee is paid on any date from 1 st to 10 th of every month. If it is not paid on these days, they can pay the fee on the last two working days of the month with the fine of Rs 20/-

Fees will not be accepted without producing the fee card. Fees shall be remitted on behalf of the child, by responsible persons and receipt, is taken of the amount paid, shall be collected at the same time and retained with the parents for future reference.

School fee include Admission fee, Tuition fee, Annual charges, Electricity, Teaching aids, Library and Laboratory , sports and Games Periodicals, Medical charges, Examination fee, Special fee , Building fund , Establishment charges, computer charge , Sports and Games and generator charge .

The students who join the school at any time of a current academic year will have to pay the complete fee of the year even if they join late . The academic year is March to April